Sex and the City 2 The Movie - smaverage. Sex and the City 2 The Party - EPIC.
Another weekend down, an exceptional amount of junk food consumed, gorgeous dresses and heels back in the wardrobe. Our Sex and the City 2 party was a huge success! The movie itself was not the highlight - I loved the first movie (despite it having some really sad points :( ) but I found the second one tried too hard to be funny and quirky, and the fashion in some scenes went a step too far (Even for Sex and the City!!). For example, the camel riding outfits:
Miranda looks like she's going to a Rodeo/Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat revival! And Charlotte's unfortunate "sand-wedge" incident wasn't far behind.
That aside, the theme made for a fantastic girls night. Here's a rundown of what we did.

Obviously heels and dresses were essential, and, despite it being the LAST colour Nicole or I would ever go for, our colour theme was pink and black. All we needed after that was some New York themed bits and pieces, some delicious food, and of course cocktails.
One of the highlights of the night - a giant yellow taxi! Made out of a huge poster board from Sweeney Todd that I scored from the video store, it was a cheap idea that ended up being a tonne of fun - and made for some different photos.
As is generally the case, we prepared way too much food, but luckily the leftovers made for a fab hangover cure :D Cake bites were definitely the go, this time with red fondant stilettos and flowers, and some extra easy I Love NY cupcakes! Throw in some vodka-pink-panther cocktails (and mandatory cosmopolitans) and some candy-filled noodle-gift boxes, and you're all set!

So there you go. Another successful weekend down. Week ahead isn't going to be an easy one. Crazy busy week at work, a very unwell puppy back home, and the overhanging threat of a cold that comes with this hideous season in Wellington. On the bright side - my precious order from Forever 21 arrived this week from all wrapped in tissue paper! It was like my birthday all over again. And the verdict on my new phone - shiny and pretty and fast, and hasn't been dropped - yet. Stay tuned.
- B xx
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