It's that time of year, and I'm stuck at home with the flu! Yick. But, in better news - I just rediscovered the photos of some cake pops/bites I made last holidays for Andrew. They're long gone now, but were possibly some of the easiest I've made so far - plus rolo bites = epic deliciousness.
I did start out by putting these on lollipop sticks, but with the rolo AND the cake AND the chocolate, they were quite heavy (and big!) and kept slipping down... so I ended up with about 6 cake pops that worked, and the rest I rolled in splinters and sprinkles.
Randomly looking for a picture of Rolo's just now I ALSO found this delicious amazing recipe at Hostess with the Mostess, for Rolo Pretzel Turtles - YUM!! As someone who would actually die for popcorn and malteasers, this is DEFINITELY something I'll have to try. Not that New Zealand pretzels are as good as American ones, but I can make do :)
Plus, a sneak preview of the Kiwana themed dessert table I did last weekend for my birthday/best friends leaving party. More details on this come - I may or may not have gone crazy overboard on taking photos before the party, so there are lots to sort through. Was looking at a DSLR camera longingly yesterday - imagine how much worse I would be with a better camera! Perhaps I should look at a new laptop FIRST, since mine no longer has a backspace key...
In the meantime, I'm off to watch My Sisters Keeper. I've read the book and cried, and have been waiting months to watch the movie. I figured a day when I'm stuck inside anyway is perfect! I've heard the ending is different to the book, so verdict to come....
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