Well, after all my very very best intentions, I didn't get around to putting up all the christmas posts I had hoped to! I'm now in Melbourne, and after a stressful few weeks, VERY very ready to relax and have a holiday.
All the photos I had hoped to post are up on flickr and my facebook page, and I'll be back in the new year to go over the details of them! Just a good excuse to prolong my favourite season a little longer :)
Thanks for all your support this year! your comments, questions, feedback and emails have been really encouraging, and I look forward to being much more organized next year!!!
A random selection of photos from our Family Christmas party are below:
To see more photos of our family Christmas party, you can see the facebook photos here or flickr set starting here
A random selection of photos from the Book club Christmas party I planned:
All the photos I had hoped to post are up on flickr and my facebook page, and I'll be back in the new year to go over the details of them! Just a good excuse to prolong my favourite season a little longer :)
Thanks for all your support this year! your comments, questions, feedback and emails have been really encouraging, and I look forward to being much more organized next year!!!
A random selection of photos from our Family Christmas party are below:
To see more photos of our family Christmas party, you can see the facebook photos here or flickr set starting here
A random selection of photos from the Book club Christmas party I planned:
All the dishes were based on books from the book club collection! Lots of fun to plan and make.
To see the rest of the photos on facebook, visit the album here or the flickr set beginning here
And last but not least, the Christmas cupcakes I made to photograph for my Christmas cards!:
So that's all from me for this year. I wish you all a VERY happy Christmas and holiday season with your families! May you have a safe and relaxing break, and I look forward to seeing you again in the new year!
All the best - B xxx
I'm doing up a gingerbread house this weekend. I can only cross my fingers it looks remotely like that gorgeous thing you've made.
ReplyDeleteAs usual, your stuff is to die for.
Great pictures! Seriously, everything looks amazing!! Well done!
ReplyDeleteCan I just comment on how much I envy your gingerbeadhouse!! haha. Dont get me wrong, I love all your other pictures, but this year my boyfriend and I actually attempted a gingerbread house.. and It did not look good at all. Actually it looked like a 4 year old did it. My bf blamed me because apparetly I cut the hole in the frosting bag to big(okay that might be true.. i did cut it a lil bit too big). Anyways everything looks amazing. I wish I had your talent!!
ReplyDeleteThese pictures are gorgeous. I love throwing large dinner parties but just haven't had the time (or space) to do it lately. You have inspired me perhaps. :)
ReplyDeleteHope you had a wonderful New Year. :)
New blog called "Sushi Overload" http://epicureanenthusiast.blogspot.com/2011/01/sushi-overload.html