So now that my Valentine's Day collection is officially made, photographed, marketed (and partially eaten :D) and all I can REALLY do is wait... I feel like I can take a little bit of time to get back into blogging - since that's how this whole thing started! And also because 2 posts back I was given my first Blogger award! And there are instructions I must follow or... never blog again...? unsure. Either way, onwards with my marching orders!

Pretty, yes? I agree. Wonder where it originated. And if I should frame it. I feel like that may be a step too far...
So here are my Instructions:
1) Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award
2) Share 7 things about yourself
3) Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers
4) Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award
2) Share 7 things about yourself
3) Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers
4) Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award
1) A HUGE THANK YOU to K-Money from To My Mother, My Dog, and Clowns! Whose blog I think I first stumbled upon because I loved the name :) Go and visit for some laughs - and chuckle-able highschool prom stories!
2) Seven things about myself... I could do the generic age, hair colour, shoe size business... but in the interests of having you - preferably - CONTINUE reading, I shall try to make it more interesting
- 1 - I love bananas. On everything. Like actually - chicken salads, in sandwiches with tuna, on pizzas with chicken cranberry and avocado, on toast. All the time, with everything. Even capsicum. Yum - go and try it.
- 2 - My jaw clicks/creaks when I yawn (or sometimes of its own accord for no reason - usually at serious moments or when everyone goes quiet). My dentist told me to hold my jaw when I yawn in case one day it just pops on out. Awkward ...
- 3 - I have a serious fetish for high heels - and not just foot sized high heels, ANY high heels - I have a huge collection that includes a high heel shoe liqueur bottle, high heel shoe lamp, chairs, glasses, speakers, cushions... there's a lot. At Christmas, I even have an entire shoe tree. Yes.
- 4 - I taught myself how to spray paint (art) after seeing a spray paint artist on the street in Chicago. It's ridiculously addictive and messy, and I LOVE it. Unfortunately I'm also really lazy about changing the filters in my gas mask, and feel like a blowfly/toxic-materials handler when I WEAR one.... so I haven't painted in a while
- 5 - I have had more bumps to the head than acceptable. I was (arguably) pushed down the stairs and split my head open on the door frame, was hit with a shoe - that left a distinct sole-pattern mark smack bang on my forehead for a week - and (allegedly) pulled a tree (branch) down on myself while scaling a mountain (slash climbing a hill) that left a (very impressive) big purple welt that everyone at school found very cool. My family says it explains a lot...
- 6 - I create Becisms. I essentially speak my own language, which you will understand if you know me, and if you know me really well - chances are you USE some of my Becisms. Generally by adding 'age' and 'ism' to words that (let's be honest) don't really require them. I also become infatuated with words for no reason. Stowage for example. Spillage. Stickage. Jugular... You get the picture.
- 7 - I don't like cake.
Yep, I said it. Humorous really given how many cakes I make, but I'm just not especially a fan. Unless it's really extremely horrendously rich decadent dark DENSE mud cake. In which case serve it on up! I'd rather decorate than eat to be completely honest. It seems wrong, criminal even? but my nana flab will thank me one day... (for all the cupcakes and truffles I have instead...!!)
So there's me! Now onto you lot. Instructions say to pick 15 recently discovered bloggers, and most of these aren't recently discovered at all, they're just blogs I love/am inspired by/think you should visit - RIGHT NOW! This isn't like one of those forward email things where I'll stub my toe if I don't follow it exactly, right...?
So I am passing the Stylish Blogger Award on to ... DRUM ROLL:
1) Sandra @ Kiwi Cakes Blog because I buy almost everything I need for Stiletto Studio from Kiwi Cakes (and all the things I don't REALLY need) and because Sandra has been a fantastic help in the last year! Plus she's supporting Purple Cake Day, which is a fantastic cause
2) Amy @ Stem because she was the first person to compliment - and share! - one of my parties on her blog. She also shares lots of other parties - and her own - that are always absolutely gorgeous!
3) Rosa @ The Culinary Explorations of Mrs Cake because she has the easiest to follow recipes, and they're always reliable! Especially her pumpkin pie recipe, and Denheath Custard squares. YUM. Plus she's a fellow Wellingtonian!
4) Stephanie @ Cake Fixation because she makes and shares the most BEAUTIFUL cakes!
5) Lisa @ Personally You Parties - because she had a blog post on cupcake fondue, and it made my week
6) Nicola @ Small Things Iced because her Tree House cake is adorable - and so clever!
7) Natalia @ Vegans in the City because she's a good friend of mine, and I love her creativity in adapting recipes to be vegan/gluten free!
8) Anne @ Something Else to Eat because she's a fellow Wellingtonian, and I love that she reviews places I actually KNOW!
9) Jamie Lane @ Making the Mundane Magical because she ALWAYS makes me laugh with her everyday tales of adventure
10) Laura @ A Pretty Plethora - even though she already has a Stylish Blogger award, her blog is wearing a mustache, and that pretty much defines Stylish
11) Shirley @ A Lovely Mother because I think her blog layout and design is adorable!
12) Natasha @ Fete Fanatic because she has shared one of my parties before, and continues to find the most gorgeous ones to share!
13) Trina @ Musical Butterfly because she's my sister :) And she's the reason I got into blogging in the first place! AND because nowhere near enough people visit and appreciate all the clever things she makes - Go visit her blog NOW!
14) Leoni @ Happy Cakes because her blog banner is the cutest thing I've ever seen, and she makes the most beautiful cakes!!
15) Nessie @ Baking = Love because I love her blog title, and she's a fellow NZer!
So there you go! 15 Blogs you must go and visit right this second - stop reading and go!
Sorry there's so much text in this one - I have lots of photos to come! plus a baby shower, a second birthday, and a purple party on the books! Fingers crossed for lots of orders for Valentines Day...!
- B xx
Haha number five cracks me up! My brother was very accident prone as a child and always had one or two bumps on his head on any given day. We tease him that he better not go bald in his old age because his head would be full of bumps and scars :)
ReplyDeleteYou're so sweet to include me. Thank you!
ReplyDeletepurple party? I feel I should be involved.....
aw, Thank you!!! psst..I totally get the cake part. But don't tell! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you!
ReplyDeleteNana flab. Hilariousisms.
ReplyDeleteI love your obsession for heels! I thought "Oh surely it can't be that bad." Until I read about the lamp and the bottle...haha, love it.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the award! Also, I hate cake too. I'd take a birthday cookie anyday.