
Monday, August 30, 2010

Stiletto Studio Launch!

It's official! Stiletto Studio is now up and running, with a spiffy new website - and facebook page!

Murder mystery party on Saturday was a huge success - visit Night of Mystery to see where we got all the background, characters, and paperwork for the event - they have a huge range of themes and characters available, and make it relatively easy to pull off! I promise to have photos up soon, but as usual there are just such a lot of them! Here's a sneak peak in the meantime...

And visit Cupcakes Take the Cake for a sneak preview of the special cupcakes we whipped up for the occasion.

And a HUGE thank you to Steph for all her help with the whole event! Most fabulous co-host ever!

Also tried out the bubble wrap chocolates from my last post, originally put up by The Lone Baker, and they were easy as pie!

Accidentally made too many though, and had to eat them... what a terrible shame :)

- B xx

Monday, August 23, 2010

High heel cookies and chocolate bubbles

Have been far too busy reading a hundred other blogs that I keep discovering to update my own - plus, the murder mystery party coming up on Saturday is keeping me crazy busy. I spent hours last night trying to get tombstone cake pops and chocolate tuxedos... But more on that later, since some of those attending read this blog! And are yet to be surprised.

For today, just two gorgeous things I discovered in my travels. First, a gorgeous Wizard of Oz themed party by Linda at Bubble and Sweet. And bonus - she's down my neck of the woods in Brisbane!

Really really cute layout! And all whipped up in 2 weeks.

My favourites are the poppy field cake balls

And, obviously, because it's me, and I'm obsessed with shoes...

RUBY SLIPPER COOKIES!!! Yum :D Not sure I could bring myself to eat them though, they're so pretty...

Go and visit Bubble and Sweet for more photos, and Imprintables, Details, Details and Paper Scissors Rock Stationary to see where she got bottles, straws, and inspiration!

And then this little gem that has been featured all over the show since The Lone Baker put them up - Bubble wrap chocolate decorations!

They're crazy effective, and look relatively easy to make! Hopefully I have some bubble wrap at home to try them... Visit The Lone Baker here for step by step instructions.

- B xx

Monday, August 16, 2010

Kiwiana Party

So I'm finally getting around to updating the photos from Nicole's Kiwiana themed farewell party. I was right, there were FAR too many photos, but it always fascinates me how different photos are when you get them uploaded and see them properly - the ones I thought looked epic in the viewfinder were mostly out of focus or cropped weird, and the ones I thought were smaverage turned out pretty cool! Such is life.

So here's a huge jumbled summary of everything...


Too much to look at at once? not to worry, I broke them down too.

Most important part for an Aussie throwing a kiwi themed party - the Pavlova. Not gonna lie, I bought this on the day (don't even want to consider what I pav I personally baked would look like... eek, not good) but the cream and kiwifruit was me I promise! (for those of you outside Australasia, more details on what a pav actually IS can be found here)

One of my favourite things in Amy Atlas dessert tables is having candy on hand - can't really go wrong in a party when there's candy within arms reach! So I used kiwi classics - Minties, jaffas, pineapple lumps, and chocolate fish (which fyi turned up later in the "water" surrounding the New Zealand brownie, thanks to my creative friends). Haven't been able to find nice glass jars to use like the pros (at least not in my price range) but I found this haphazard collection of glasses at an Op Shop, and they were the right height variations to make it work.

Possibly the most paint-stakingly slow and detailed part of the entire spread was the chocolate jandals (thongs if you're an aussie, flip flops if you're an American), which is funny given they were a relatively last minute addition. I used a chocolate mold I found at Cakestuff for the jandals and just filled them with milk chocolate (only 6 pairs per tray, so we're talking a bench-to-freezer marathon of maybe 10 laps) then used multi-coloured gel pens to add the straps. That was the part that took the longest, but once I figured out that the gel was 100% easier to draw if the tubes were kept in hot water in the interim, time went a bit quicker.
The New Zealand Brownie was easier than it looked - I made two trays of chocolate chip brownie, printed an outline of New Zealand across two A4 pages (North Island on one page, South on the other), pinned them into the brownie with tooth picks, and went for gold! I used green buttercream icing so it was a bit thicker and easier to add the "terrain" on the top - thanks to mum and Dad for their creative input. Funnily enough, being North-Island-dwellers the North Island was demolished first, and the South Island lasted almost another whole week!
The sheep pops are based on the tried and true cake pops from Bakerella, but I'm not GENERALLY a huge fan of any cake not of the mud persuasion, and have since decided that I much prefer using brownie mix instead of cake - NB this comes out much more DENSE and rich than cake pops, and goes fairly solid in the fridge! but slightly easier to mold.
These pops were dipped (twice) in white chocolate then in white candy (like the silver candy balls, only white, no idea what they really were other than crunchy) and added the fondant face at the same time. This humorous juggling act is the reason there were only 10 of these cuties - I thoroughly misplaced my patience.
I used cupcake picks of the buzzy bee for the cupcakes, with blue buttercream icing and fondant clouds. We're still finding the cupcake picks around the house even now...
The kiwi brownie bites were a favourite - and an impromptu one. Left with brownie bites after I gave up on the sheep I decided to try something a bit different with the remaining ones. These were rolled in milk chocolate and splinters, with a split chocolate button for feet, and malteaser and toothpick for head/beak.

The rugby balls were made from brownie mix too, only these ones I mixed in with some extra chocolate sauce and chocolate chips so they were a bit different. Easy peasy to shape, dip, and draw on the lines in white chocolate gel! Yum. And the funky NZ t-shirt shaped plates came from the $2 shop, which was funny 'cause there were people buying them as actual souvenirs when I was there. Geeks...
Crowning glory of the table - and another impromptu addition. This was a cake for my best friend who has a (somewhat unhealthy.. *cough*...) addiction to tomato sauce. The icing was actually slightly closer to a crazy bright pink than the red I wanted, and everyone did warn me that you need a fairly specific combination of red dyes to get it right... but it looks right in the photos :)
Decorations were cheap and basic - cards bags and ribbon came from the $2 shop and the jandals were 99c at the Warehouse, then just taped them to the wall. The cup-wraps and labels I made myself with some iconic favourites.
So there you go! Full view of the tables below. Unfortunately I don't have a backdrop to use for parties yet, but I think for this one at least being BBQ themed the blue wall ended up being kinda quirky.
Next up - a Murder Mystery! Canapes and desserts to come


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Buttons, Tiffany's and Ninjas

I still haven't updated on the kiwi party from 2 weeks ago (mostly because I WAY overkilled on the photos, and still haven't had the time to wade through them) OR the donut-esque cake bites I made (and then re-replicated last night in bulk), but google reader is constantly presenting me with things I absolutely must share, on the spot. Plus, I have vouchers to spend at Westfield tonight, and whilst looking for inspiration on what I'm going to buy I found these gems which will definitely be on the list - Teacupcakes.

Easily the cutest thing I've ever seen. These are even BETTER than the stretchy reusable cupcake molds you can already buy, because a) they have a handle, and b) you have to wear long white gloves while using them - gold. More details on where to buy these here.

Anyway, back to google reader, my personal best friend. This particular dessert table instantly reminded me of my sister Trina (you can find her blog here - DO IT) who has a healthy obsession with all things Audrey Hepburn - a Breakfast at Tiffanys Dessert table.

CUTE!! Tiffany box cakes equal the epitome of everything a girl could possibly need in life.

Trina - if you're here for your birthday in January, I'll see what I can do :) You can find the rest of the photos from Maddycakes Muse here

Moving on, I found these photos quite randomly at Inspired by This, which I don't often visit, but couldn't resist when I saw the wedding theme - BUTTONS.

Cakes! covered in buttons! Bouquets with buttons, buttons on the tables, buttons on the table plans - and JARS of buttons. We had a jar of buttons at home somewhere that we used to use for games of Up and Down the River, but which I suspect Trina has since "borrowed" away into the depths of her knitting bag - if we still had them, we could plan a wedding!

The rest of the photos can be found here

And last but not least - in fact possibly the cutest - NINJA CUPCAKES.

And even better than Ninja Cupcakes (who knew) - These are FREE printables from Zakka Life!

Such a joyful little Ninja, really. Maybe because of the giant cupcake he's hiding behind that's roughly 10 times his size - I'd probably be happy too.

You can download and print these yourself from here


Monday, August 9, 2010

Themed engagement photos

Weddings + movies = two of my most favourite things. Movies are truly my favourite way of viewing the world (and hopefully one day, my paycheck)and I could pore over photos of weddings for hours without getting bored (Which is somewhat ridiculous since I already have a pretty clear impression of what I would want at my own occasion, though it may no longer be the Beauty and the Beast themed event it would have been had I had the opportunity to get married at the age of 7... ANYWAY..)So to find a combination (ish) of the two is truly entertaining.

Engagement photo shoots seem to be a relatively new thing - at least on my limited radar - but google reader is constantly showing them to me at the moment, and I found a few that were absolutely priceless.

The one below is gorgeous - can you guess the movie?

notebook movie inspired engagement photos

EEK!! That's right, The Notebook. Gorgeous.

Plus also she wears the dress inspired by my favourite scene in the movie. I'm all about the red and white polka dots (see Because I Said So for a slightly more humorous outcome for a polka dot dress)

notebook movie inspired engagement photos

The rest of the photos can be found at Green Wedding Shoes here.

These ones are also from Green Wedding Shoes and a little bit different, but still very cute - the Hayley and Alex in Wonderland shoot! And let's be honest, any photo shoot that includes cupcakes and teacups is a winner.

teacups and cupcakes

You can find the rest of that shoot here.

And last but absolutely not least, an engagement shoot based on Up!

Oh my word.

Up the movie is gorgeous and adorable and sweet and lovely all on its OWN, but as an engagement shoot - EPIC CUTENESS

The balloons and the mini house and the nerdy glasses - EEK!! Cuteness personified. You can find the rest of the photos from this adorable shoot at The Wedding Chicks site here.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Splinters and Sprinkles

It's that time of year, and I'm stuck at home with the flu! Yick. But, in better news - I just rediscovered the photos of some cake pops/bites I made last holidays for Andrew. They're long gone now, but were possibly some of the easiest I've made so far - plus rolo bites = epic deliciousness.


I did start out by putting these on lollipop sticks, but with the rolo AND the cake AND the chocolate, they were quite heavy (and big!) and kept slipping down... so I ended up with about 6 cake pops that worked, and the rest I rolled in splinters and sprinkles.


Randomly looking for a picture of Rolo's just now I ALSO found this delicious amazing recipe at Hostess with the Mostess, for Rolo Pretzel Turtles - YUM!! As someone who would actually die for popcorn and malteasers, this is DEFINITELY something I'll have to try. Not that New Zealand pretzels are as good as American ones, but I can make do :)

Plus, a sneak preview of the Kiwana themed dessert table I did last weekend for my birthday/best friends leaving party. More details on this come - I may or may not have gone crazy overboard on taking photos before the party, so there are lots to sort through. Was looking at a DSLR camera longingly yesterday - imagine how much worse I would be with a better camera! Perhaps I should look at a new laptop FIRST, since mine no longer has a backspace key...


In the meantime, I'm off to watch My Sisters Keeper. I've read the book and cried, and have been waiting months to watch the movie. I figured a day when I'm stuck inside anyway is perfect! I've heard the ending is different to the book, so verdict to come....
